Webinar – A guide to sustainability reporting and EU Taxonomy – August 31st

With the growing importance of responsible investment and the announcements related to the future European Green Deal, issuers are being confronted with an increasing wave of regulation.
Some applications are more complicated for companies to implement, such as the European Taxonomy or the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD).
Belgian companies are invited to join the insightful webinar brought to you by BelIR (Belgian Investor Relations Association) with the support of Euronext Corporate Services, in order to gain some valuable and practical insights from an expert panel (Tennaxia and PwC Belgium) on how EU Taxonomy and CSRD have to be transcribed in sustainability reporting and how it affects financial communication.
Targeted audience: IROs, Sustainability Managers, Legal Counsels, and other people involved in the CSRD reporting process. So feel free to invite your colleagues.

More info?

Do you need addtional information on BelIR or its activities? Feel free to get in touch.