BelIR welcomes all employee of companies with a listing on Euronext Brussels or residents of Belgium with professional responsibility for investor relations who wishes to join the association and is willing to contribute to BelIR activities.
Membership is for a company and not for an individual.
Membership fees are related to the company’s membership of the Euronext indices (BEL 20, BEL MID, or BEL SMALL). For those companies not being a member of these indices, the membership fee is based on the comparable index-segment they would belong to based upon their market cap and traded volumes.
Should you wish to apply for membership please fill in this online form.
Do you need addtional information on BelIR or its activities? Feel free to get in touch.
Supporting Investor Relations (IR) in Belgium. We are a community of IR professionals that actively shares
knowledge, ideas and best practices around IR. We help grow our members by setting up meetings, trainings as
well as by stimulating their visibility in the market.
Rue des Sols / Stuiversstraat 8
1000 Bruxelles / Brussel
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