Partnerships & international IR organisations


The Association Belge des Analystes Financiers (ABAF) / Belgische Vereniging van Financiële Analisten (BVFA) is
a professional non-profit organization that was founded in 1958.

Its aim is to be the centre of expertise for the community of finance professionals in Belgium, i.e. corporate
finance professionals, private bankers & investors, PE houses, family offices. It builds a common knowledge
base on financial analysis, reporting, valuation and communication and thereby want to raise the professional
standard for investment professionals in those domains. In that way, its wants to contribute to the improvement of the quality, adequacy and correctness of financial,

corporate and non-financial information provided to investors.

ABAF/BVFA is member of EFFAS, the European Federation of Financial Analysts Societies, a pan-European
group of national societies, that is continuously in contact with the economic and financial authorities in order
to facilitate the modernization and best knowledge of capital markets. Thanks to this collaboration, it can keep
Belgian companies informed about the latest standards for the finance industry.

Each year, ABAF/BVFA organizes the Award for Best Financial Information, which is considered as a strong tool
to improve the quality and quantity of the information provided by the listed companies to the investors.

Next to that, they organize certified financial training courses on ESG and Financial Analysis.

Belgian Association of Listed Companies vzw
(committee within VBO/FEB)

The Listed Companies Committee has two objectives:

  1. examining the difficulties encountered by listed companies and make their voice heard in order to
    influence applicable rules and regulations;
  2. serving as an interface between a) listed companies and b) external authorities such as the Financial
    Services and Market Authority, the stock exchange authorities and FPS Finance.

It comprises representatives from Belgian listed companies. The Association issues positions on Belgian and
European initiatives, such as company audits, information listed companies have to provide and shareholder
rights and obligations. In addition, it closely monitors the implementation of corporate governance.

Through the VBO’s committee, we are also an indirect member of the European Issuers.

Euronext Brussels

The Brussels Stock Exchange (or Bourse de Bruxelles / Beurs van Brussel) is part of the Euronext group, the leading panEuropean exchange spanning Amsterdam, Brussels, Dublin, Lisbon, London, Milan, Oslo & Paris.

Euronext Brussels benefits from a unique ecosystem of banks, lawyers, auditors, communication agencies and listing sponsors able to assist companies seeking to go public and raise funds. Itsmarket is not only internationally recognised for its strong and dynamic biotech and real-estate franchises, it offers financing solutions, visibility and credibility to more than 100 companies from all sectors and of all sizes. All Brussels-listed companies benefit from Euronext’s single pool of liquidity and broad pan-European network.

The BEL 20, Euronext Brussels’ national blue chip index, is based on the performance of the 20 most representative companies of the Belgian market.

De Vlaamse Federatie van Beleggers vzw (VFB)

VFB vzw is a non-profit organization with the aim of independently informing and training individual investors and investment clubs with regard to the management of financial assets. The communication, information and training mainly focuses on equities.

International IR organisations

BelIR has regular contact with other IR organizations, both on a European as well an international level.

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