
Upcoming events

No upcoming events for now.

Past events

Belgian Days on November 10th

It is with great pleasure that the Belgian Investor Relations Association (BelIR), Bank Degroof Petercam & Euronext announce the 1st edition of our ‘Belgian Days in November’. Originally set up as ‘a

ABAF Awards 2020 – October 15th

The Annual Award competition for Best Financial Communication is an annual quality review for and by experts of the (international) financial community, under the auspices

BELIR Members’ Meeting 15 October 2020

This meeting will be a video-meeting. The program comprises a roundtable discussion with buy-& sellside on ‘Corporate access in Covid times’ Panellists : Cor Kluis (Equity Analyst

More info?

Do you need addtional information on BelIR or its activities? Feel free to get in touch.