General Assembly and Members’ Meetings followed by annual barbecue (at Agfa-Gevaert)

The General Assembly and Members’ Meeting was held on Monday 18 June 2018, followed by annual barbecue, which was held at Agfa-Gevaert.

Date: June 18, 2018

Location: AFGA-Gevaert

Septestraat 27 at 2640 Mortsel


1.30 PM – 3 PM (optional):

Experience Tour at AGFA-GEVAERT

3 PM – 3.45 PM:

MARKET ABUSE REGULATION, TRANSPARENCY NOTIFICATIONS AND EUROPEAN SINGLE ELECTRONIC FORMAT, by Thierry LHOEST, Director, Supervision of Listed Companies and Surveillance of Financial Markets, Koen SCHOORENS, Advisor, and Johan LEMBREGHT, Coordinator, FSMA

3.45 PM – 4.35 PM:

SHAREHOLDER ACTIVISM, by Tanguy PIRET, Managing Director, and David HUNKER, Head of Shareholder Activism Defense, JPMorgan Chase

4.35 PM – 4.45 PM:

NEW BELIR WEBSITE: status and feedback

4.45 PM – 5.00 PM:


  • Approval of annual accounts 2017 and Report on accounts
  • Discharge of directors
  • Financing of BelIR

5.00 PM – 8.30 PM (optional):

Networking & buffet at AGFA-GEVAERT, with a screen where the first World Cup match of the Red Devils will be showed

More info?

Do you need addtional information on BelIR or its activities? Feel free to get in touch.